Winner Medical, a corporation with its headquarters in Shenzhen, has experienced synergistic growth in the medical industry. Winner Medical has grown from a single manufacturer of medical supplies to a significant health leader in the research, development, and production of a full range of cotton-based medical products. This development has been made possible through continuous innovation and the expansion of industrial boundaries. Disposables from Winner Medical boast exceptional quality, including sophisticated ボーダーフォームドレッシング. The company's tagline is "Take care of health, take care of life, improve life quality"
Winner Medical developed the technology of cotton spunlace non-woven fabric, which is used for the first time in the field of medical dressing and wound care products, to successfully address the industry issue that traditional medical gauze is simple to produce debris, which may cause wound infection or even cause medical accidents. Winner Medical's inventive use and advancement of the nonwoven fabric is referred to as "the great innovation of the Chinese textile industry「そして継続的に改善され、革新されています。
Winner Medical was founded in 1991 and has been producing and developing disposable medical products. Winner Medical also built an automated factory that adheres to high international standards to continuously improve the quality control of its products for use in operating rooms and ERs of medical facilities all over the world.
Winner Medical is concentrated on creating and promoting novel medical goods built from "cotton" as its primary material. Cotton is a natural fiber that is supple, cozy, and biodegradable.
さらに、Winner Medicalが使用した高品質の素材は綿だけではありません。 急性創傷治癒、創傷滲出液の吸収、または創傷洗浄や止血などの使い捨て用途のために、Winner Medicalはプレミアムな縁取りフォームドレッシングを提供しています。 これらの製品は、創傷治癒を支援する微小環境の作成に役立ちます。 また、縁付きフォームドレッシングは、ドレッシングの交換中に傷にアレルギーや二次的な損傷を引き起こす可能性が低くなります。
Winner Medical's voice
Winner Medicalは、設立以来、高品質の外科および創傷ケア製品、ならびに完全な感染管理および創傷ケアソリューションの作成に取り組んできました。 最良の証拠は品質であると考えており、Winner Medicalの高品質で広範な製品ラインは、主要な医療施設の緊急治療室や手術室で高品質の供給と快適な使用を提供することは確実です。 ただし、最も重要なことは、これらの施設の生産性を高め、人間の医療の改善に貢献することです。 訪問Winner Medical詳細については、公式ウェブサイト!