Winner Medical is proud to offer a wide variety of 創傷ケア用品 to meet the needs of operating rooms and emergency rooms in healthcare facilities. Founded in 1991 in China, the company has become one of the leading suppliers of disposable medical supplies to hospitals and clinics in China and around the world. Winner Medical offers a wide variety of products, including bandages, dressings, sterile supplies, masks, and more. The company's products are of the highest quality and have received wide acclaim from its customers.
"Quality first, product safety first, social responsibility first"Winner Medicalの哲学の源です。
Winner Medical's wound care supplies undergo a strict sterile process to ensure they meet the standards for medical grade use. It is also worth mentioning that Winner Medical's wound care supplies are made from high-quality raw materials, making them the first choice for surgical and emergency room wound treatment.
Winner Medical's consistent quality control, careful selection of raw materials, and advanced manufacturing processes make the products synonymous with high quality and safety.
With a comprehensive lineup of products designed to meet the needs of medical care providers everywhere, Winner Medical's product line of wound care supplies is the go-to source for quality medical disposables.
Winner Medicalには、理論的および実践的な革新を非常に重要視する製造会社として、理論と実践を組み合わせた専門的な研究開発チームがあります。 彼らは熱意、専門知識、研究への愛情、そして勤勉に満ちています。 医療用使い捨て製品の製造プロセスと製品特性に関する長年の献身的な研究に依存して、彼らは技術的な問題の革新とブレークスルーを何度も達成してきました。
Winner Medical has become the first Chinese company in the industry to establish a professional quality management system and pass the ISO13485 medical device quality management system certification. Besides, Winner Medical's products are popular worldwide and the quality is highly recognized by customers, Winner Medical disposables are sold to more than 110 countries worldwide.
2021年までに、Winner Medical中国では、50近くの発明特許、500近くの実用新案特許、および200以上の設計特許を取得しています。56の発明特許、および中国国外での6つの実用新案特許。 BASE Chinaの医療製品メーカーとして、この数字は非常に誇りに思っています。