Good moisturizing properties, and less scar formation.
Good clinical results.
接着性創傷ドレッシングは、表面的な皮膚の損傷を効果的に治癒し、良好な臨床結果、効果的な痛みの緩和、および患者の満足度を高め、創傷の内層を保護します。 傷の状態に応じて、治癒時間は1〜5日です。 粘着性の傷を取ることで、色素沈着を効果的に減らし、瘢痕の形成を減らし、生活の質を向上させることができます。
Adhesive wound dressing from Winner Medical is a new type of wound dressing developed under the principle of wet healing, which meets the basic requirements of an ideal dressing, i.e., protecting the wound and providing a wound healing agent. Adhesive wound dressings are highly effective in the management of clinical wounds, reducing pain and improving the quality of wound healing. Winner Medical is an expert in the production of adhesive wound dressings, and the quality of their adhesive wound dressings is very high.
Winner Medicalについて
Winner Medical is the first company to have a complete line of dressings in the disposable medical products market and has received many ISO certifications. Winner Medical has quickly become a leader in disposable medical products according to industry guidelines in the EU, US, Japan, etc. Winner Medical remains steadfast in its pursuit of health, sustainable ecology, and improved medical care, enabling Winner Medical to maximize the use of patented technologies to produce better and more innovative disposable medical products.
「Quality first, product safety first, social responsibility first「勝者医療の考え方の源です。 これにより、彼らの製品品質は、イデオロギーを導くという点で基本的な保証になります。 ご覧くださいWinner Medicalの公式ウェブサイトは、粘着性の傷のドレッシングのための彼らの高品質の製品についてのより多くの情報を得るために。