The spread of disease over the past two years has made us acutely aware of the importance of medical supplies, especially protective gowns with a protective effect and isolation masks. 保護ガウンplay a crucial role in the prevention of epidemics, and they can be said to be a shield for life safety. Winner Medical is a company with high-quality production skills and a high sense of social responsibility, producing high-quality protective gowns and providing efficient protective solutions for the medical industry.
In a broad sense, a protective gown does not only refer to a medical protective gown that is used in clinical medicine to isolate germs but also includes a protective gown that is widely used in many other industries, including firefighting and industrial use. But all in all, a protective gown has the characteristics of isolation and impermeability. Quality is the highest requirement for protective gowns. It is a matter of life and health safety, and poor-quality protective gowns not only provide minimal protection but also tend to cause cross infection and occupational exposure, which is not acceptable.
Winner Medical offers high-quality medical-surgical gowns.外科用保護医療用ガウンは、手術室や感染性病原体への曝露が可能なその他の場所で使用するために特別に設計された衣服です。 それは水、血液、アルコール、および他の液体の浸透を防ぎ、ガウンと体の汚染を避けるために4以上の疎水性評価を持っています。 患者の血液、体液、その他の分泌物によって運ばれるウイルスが、手術中に医療関係者に感染するのを防ぎます。 また、流行時には、保護ガウンは、PCR検査を行ったり感染者の世話をしたりする医療関係者がエアロゾルを介した感染から保護されることを保証できます。
Winner Medical also offers protective barrier gownsを使用します。 A protective barrier gown is a garment worn by medical staff when contacting patients and family members visiting them. Barriers to bacteria and viruses stop medical staff from contracting and spreading during surgery (and reverse transmission). Isolation medical gowns provide a barrier to viruses primarily to prevent the transmission of viruses carried on the surface gown when medical personnel comes in contact with a patient’s blood and body fluids.
Choice of Confidence
Winner Medicalの保護ガウンは、世界的なパンデミック環境に耐えることが証明されています。 Winner Medicalの保護ガウンの品質は、世界中のお客様に広く認識されており、Winner Medicalの保護ソリューションにより、世界中の幅広い医療従事者を感染から保護し、医療従事者の命を保護することができました。