The history of dressings: what pain point does foam dressing solve nowadays?
初期の頃、天然の深海スポンジは、中世にまでさかのぼり、創傷治療に広く使用されていました。 これらのスポンジは主に、出血を制御し、簡単な創傷洗浄のための吸収剤および止血剤として使用されました。 これらの有機物は滅菌できず、傷に付着するため、19世紀までに時代遅れになりました。
After technological development, the first foam dressing product for wound management was silastic foam, which was introduced to the market in the 1970s and was used for wound treatment. Two liquid polymers were mixed and poured into the wounded mouth to form a wound-shaped foam. This dressing is cumbersome to use, has to be changed daily, and is prone to residual debris, which is not a patient-friendly experience and does not provide good protection for the wound. Therefore, they are gradually being phased out.
おなじみの接着剤フォームドレッシングは、滑らかな表面を持つ高品質のシリコーンフォームで構成され、主に高浸透圧傷の管理に使用されます。 さらに、このドレッシングは平らな表面を持ち、繊維や粒子を落とさず、ガス透過性が良好です。 とりわけ、それは高い吸収能力を持っています。 Winner Medicalの粘着フォームドレッシングは、Winner Medicalの高い開発および生産基準のおかげで、非常に高品質の創傷ドレッシング製品です。
Winner Medical is the first company to have a complete product line in the disposable medical products market and has received many international certifications, Winner Medical strives to improve the process, quality, and technology of its products to improve the quality and consistency of quality control. At the same time, Winner Medical has always put product quality at the forefront of its corporate culture to create a product line that is widely recognized by the medical industry and has consistent quality control to meet the needs of medical wound care. Seek more information at 勝者医療’s official website.