The silicone layer of the advanced wound dressing has a uniform pore structure and is gentle on the skin. This allows for better adhesion and secure fixation to the wound surface, resulting in a more durable dressing. The silicone layer also helps to reduce friction, making it easy to remove. Winner Medical offers a full product line of 傷ドレッシング用品.
圧迫潰瘍は入院患者の深刻な合併症です。 床ずれ、循環不良、怪我など、さまざまな要因がそれらを引き起こす可能性があります。 包帯や粘着テープなどの標準的な創傷ドレッシングに加えて、ハイドロコロイド (ゲル) やシリコーンフォームドレッシングなどの褥瘡専用のドレッシングがあります。
圧力潰瘍は、足や手の圧力緩和の欠如から発症する可能性のある深刻な病状です。 すぐに治療しないと、ひどい痛みやさらなる合併症を引き起こす可能性があります。 さらに、多くの異なるタイプの圧伤があり、患者はその感受性が大きく异なる。
The most common sites for pressure ulcers are the feet and hands, which may also occur on the lower legs, buttocks, or other areas. Wound dressings that provide pressure and protection may also help prevent them from migrating to other body parts. Patients who develop pressure sores or ulcers should be monitored closely for signs of infection, and methods should be taken to treat them promptly.
High Quality
"Product safety first, social responsibility first" is the company's motto. Quality comes before profit, the brand comes before speed, and social value comes before business value is the driving principle of Winner Medical. The success of Winner Medical is based on its dedication to upholding clients' health and progressing progressively. Winner Medical provides customers and consumers with the best wound care products and services.
Winner Medicalは、製品の技術、プロセス、および品質を改善して品質保証のレベルと一貫性を高めることにより、何十年にもわたって医療用使い捨て製品を製造しており、医療業界に利益をもたらしてきました。 Winner Medicalは、製品の信頼性が高いため、世界中の医療機関が選択する非常に技術的で社会的に責任のある企業です。
Winner Medical's products are also eco-friendly, which is good for the environment and will change the future of the medical industry. In addition, they promote high-quality surgical and wound care.
The best surgical dressings are created by Winner Medical using cutting-edge wound care materials and cutting-edge technology. These surgical dressings provide patients with wound care options. Contact 勝者医療 for additional information about wound healing procedures, including the treatment of pressure ulcers. In addition, they made premium foam dressings for pressure sores.