When caring for wounds, a balance of dryness and humidity must be maintained, not too dry and not too humid. Because excessive dryness will keratinize, epidermal cells will not be able to grow up, making it easy for epidermal healing to stagnate and for gauze to stick and get stuck on the wound, making it difficult to change medication. However, too much moisture will cause too much fluid to flow out, resulting in wound erosion. It is necessary to maintain a moderate balance of moisture and dryness to keep the epidermal cells active and gradually heal in the center of the wound, which can be easily removed during medication changes. Winner Medical's シリコーンボーダー泡ドレッシング is the best dressing for wound moisture management, providing an ideal external environment for wound growth.
Traditional gauze, for example, does not have a moisture retention function and can easily dry out and stick to the wound, making it more difficult to change medication. If you can use silicone border foam dressing to cover the wound, it will not adhere to the epidermal cells and will be painless to remove. Generally speaking, the smoother the wound heals, the better the chance of flattening it. Using Winner Medical's high-quality silicone border foam dressing will protect the wound from healing and allow the epidermal cells to move more quickly, resulting in a less visible scar after the wound has healed.
Wounds in the lower extremities are prone to infection and poor blood circulation and require high-end dressings to assist in treatment. If the wound is repeatedly inflamed and the healing process is delayed for a long time, the scar will easily become pitted.
したがって、創傷ケアの最初の鍵は、感染を制御し、炎症期間を短縮することです。これにより、創傷の表皮細胞ができるだけ早く増殖し、赤く痛みを伴う硬い瘢痕がゆっくりと成熟し、柔らかくなり、色あせます。 傷はそこで成長し、治癒の難しさにも影響します。 たとえば、血行の良い健康な人では、傷が適切に取り除かれている限り、感染の可能性は、末梢循環が悪く衛生状態が悪い足よりもはるかに低くなります。
However, patients with poorly controlled diabetes, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, cirrhosis of the liver, and often poor white blood cell function, even if the wound is on the head and neck, still need to be aware of the possibility of infection and inflammation, and the wound will not heal easily.
勝者の医療のハイエンドドレッシングは、これらの困難な傷の正常な回復を助けることができます。 勝者メディカルは、創傷に安定した外部環境を提供する高品質のシリコーンフォーム材料によって補完された革新的な複合材料を使用しています。 これは困難な傷にとって非常に重要です。
Winner Medicalの革新的なプロダクトは困難な傷のケアのための効率的な解決を確実に提供します。