
/ 編集/ チップ&アイデア/ フロンティア受賞者の医療がハイエンドの創傷ケア用品を作成




フロンティア受賞者の医療がハイエンドの創傷ケア用品を作成 10091


Sterile wound dressing is one of the more regularly used dressings in wound care. It is frequently utilized in the treatment of more severe wet wounds. The management of wounds with a significant volume of exudate cannot be handled by traditional dressings since these dressings have limited fluid absorption and can easily lead to further wound worsening. Because of Winner Medical's cutting-edge technological innovation in the field of dressings, the alginate wound dressing offered by the company is an ideal choice for treating moist wounds.



The great absorbency of the alginate wound dressing offered by Winner Medical makes it a popular choice for treating wounds that have a significant amount of drainage.

Additionally, the alginate dressing has the functions of high moisture absorption, softness, and comfort, and promotes wound healing. It can provide support for the wound surface in those special parts, slow down the secondary adverse reactions of the wound, and relieve the pain of the patient; at the same time, the alginate self-adhesive dressing produced by Winner Medical The sticker is square and is used to fix the wound dressing and facilitate the patient's movement.


The alginate dressing for wounds has excellent hemostatic characteristics and can produce a gel over the wound to alleviate patient discomfort. Alginate wound dressing, for instance, has a good hemostatic effect, less bleeding when filling and removing it, less pain, and helps to prevent the edema phenomena that might occur after nasal surgery.

同時に、アルギン酸塩ドレッシングは、傷にアレルギー現象を引き起こすことはめったにありません。 従来のガーゼ外部テープ固定ソリューションと比較して、アルギン酸塩には低刺激性接着剤があり、便利で追加のテープを必要とせず、患者に皮膚アレルギーを引き起こすのは容易ではありません。 受賞者のメディカルの無菌ドレッシングは、この肌に優しい機能を備えています。

Protect the wound

その高い吸湿性と水分を吸収した後にコロイドを形成する能力のために、アルギン酸塩創傷被覆材は、火傷および火傷ドナー領域の治療に特に適しています。 その結果、患者はドレッシングの除去中に痛みが少なくなり、傷は二次出血が少なくなります。

When compared to the pain caused by using traditional bandages, the patient experiences much less discomfort when an alginate wound dressing is applied.


Winner MedicalのWebサイトにアクセスして、ビジネスのパイオニアである会社によって製造されている高度なアルギン酸塩創傷ドレッシングの詳細をご覧ください。

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