For a long time, one of the most contentious issues in wound care has been figuring out how to treat wounds that have a significant quantity of exudate. Traditional gauze is not effective in the treatment of such wounds because it cannot rapidly absorb wound exudate and, as a result, might further worsen the condition of the wound. The development of アルギン酸塩ドレッシング as new technology has provided a novel approach to the problem of treating moist wounds.
Winner Medical creates a high-performance alginate wound dressing that has good absorbency. This dressing is capable of providing a healthy external environment for the wound to heal.
Winner Medicalによって製造されたアルギン酸塩創傷被覆材は、以下にリストされている並外れた品質を備えています。
1. An effective protection job. The wound is protected from microorganisms that may be present in the environment.
3. The moist, slightly acidic environment that is supplied by the alginate wound dressing is conducive to the involvement of neutrophils, which enhances the local bactericidal power and reduces the likelihood of an infection occurring.
4.患者の局所的な不快感を軽減する: 表面に形成されるヒドロゲルは、環境からの刺激から神経終末を優れて保護します。傷口に簡単に付着せず、取り除くのが簡単で、傷口に伴う痛みを和らげるのに役立ちます。
Additionally, it lessens the likelihood of scarring developing. Because it does not irritate the wound surface and does not cause damage to it, alginate wound dressing tends to result in less scar formation than standard dressings comprised of more abrasive materials.
About Winner Medical
Winner Medicalは、使い捨て医療製品市場で完全な製品ラインを持つ最初の企業であり、多くのISO認証も取得しています。 EU、米国、日本、およびその他の業界標準によると、Winner Medicalの使い捨て医療製品はすぐに業界のリーダーになりました。
To obtain information in greater depth, please see the official website of 勝者医療.